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Beachguide » Westward Ho!
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Westward Ho!

long sandy beach backed by pebble storm bank.
Submitted by:
9th May 2004
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Photo of Westward Ho! beach -
 Westward Ho!
 by: Spencer
Photo of Westward Ho! beach - W. Ho blowing a F5
 Westward Ho!
 by: Spencer

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Westward Ho! has a long sandy beach with a pebble storm bank behind it which links to Northam Burrows Country Park. Access is fairly easy down a concrete ramp from the town of Westward Ho!, named after the famous novel by Charles Kingsley. The beach is adjacent to the south west coast path and is well located for visits to many other nearby attractions including the picturesque fishing village of Clovelly.

The beach faces West an is therefore exposed to most swells hitting this part of the country. The waves aren't usually as well defined as at Saunton though and definately not as good as Croyde, but its still a good place for a surf. I have seen it absolutely firing, but didn't have my board with me (typical!). It nevers gets that crowded as it is usually only surfed by locals. The shallowly shelving sand remains pretty flat meaning that there are few distinct peaks, although, sandbars can form and the quality of this beach break improves at these times. Kitesurfing, windsurfing, kite-buggying and other land based forces-of-nature sports are also all possible at this beach although for some reason it is never as busy as Saunton.

Lifeguards are on duty during the summer months. Dogs are allowed on the beach but access is restricted in some areas during the summer. All amenities, shops, pubs, restaurants etc. are available close to the beach in Westward Ho!
Sports Suitability
Surfing starstarstar
Surf Conditions at Westward Ho! can be Excellent
Buggying starstarstar
Buggying Conditions at Westward Ho! can be Excellent
Windsurfing starstarstar
Windsurfing Conditions at Westward Ho! can be Excellent
kitesurfing starstarstar
Kitesurfing Conditions at Westward Ho! can be Excellent
Wind Suitability
Windsurfing at Westward Ho! Kitesurfing at Westward Ho!
NW   N   NE
SW   S   SE
NW   N   NE
SW   S   SE

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